
授课机构:杭州注册会计师培训学校 上课地点:杭州

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天数:2天     公开课费用:22800元/人          

  • A course on new and more competitive negotiation strategies based on the best-selling book by Professor Stuart Diamond, his award-winning course at The Wharton Business School and widely-praised instruction at Fortune 500 companies and to 30,000 managers and executives in 50 countries. The Return on Investment is more than 5000, according to a survey at Google, where more than 3,000 people have been trained over four years

高顿观点   The conventional wisdom in negotiation, whether for companies or individuals, is no longer competitive.It’s an outdated model, now more than 30 years old, and uses tools like rational “interests,” BATNA(Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement), win-win, power, leverage, threats, walking out,take-it-or-leave it, bargaining range and alternatives to agreement. Since negotiation is the basic process of business practice, affecting every interaction, better methods are central to increasing competitiveness.
  Professor Diamond has developed a new model increasingly being used by leading organizations around the world. Its central theme is that the perceptions and emotions of the other party are much more important in persuasion than the collection of power and rationality- based tactics that have been widely used. In fact, finding, understanding, and valuing the perceptions in the heads of the other party generates four times as much value as conventional methods: twice as many deals and twice as much from each deal on average. It also produces a better starting point, because we learn more precisely where the other party is coming from.


  • Getting commitments that stick, by finding out how the other party makes commitments.

  • Uncovering the perceptions of others and using them to create value.

  • Finding more creative, precise, effective and fair solutions.

  • Turning hard bargainers into collaborators. Finding creative ways to break impasses.

  • Turning transactions into relationships. Developing linkages.

  • Gaining more information and using it to better meet goals.

  • Team building and consensus building; better processes for group decision-making.

  • Dealing more effectively with emotional and cultural issues.

  • Improving goal setting; preparing more effectively.

  • Developing better problem-solving; gaining a framework for long-term improvement.

  • Thinking more strategically about negotiation, including in sales and marketing contexts, as well as legal and operations.


  • Top management, including CEO, CFO, and Senior Financial Executives

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