
授课机构:杭州柏学教育雅思托福培训学校 上课地点:凤起路334号同方财富大厦



  柏学的学习项目基于成绩,能力和动力这三大维度,包含课程,导练和启蒙学习活动,涵盖雅思,托福,SAT,ACT,GRE,GMAT, AP和A-level,以及青少英语课程。以杭州为中心,柏学为浙江,上海,江苏等地,以及身处美国,英国,加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰等国家的学员提供优质的教学服务。推陈出新,追求卓越,实现理想。



Posh Education started from 2012, the founders are experienced teachers, developers and professionals who have worked in foreign language training and education for more than a whole decade. We dedicate ourselves to international education innovation, we take the challenge of promoting students’ understanding of learning, and we are here to pioneer a regenerated teaching and learning practice! It is clearer than crystal to us that the sum of class hours do not equal the sum of knowledge absorbed, that class performance cannot replace after-class practice, that a random learning process yields nothing but inefficiency, and above all, that even a dedicated attitude is futile without a genuine interest.


Posh is a teaching persistence. We target at three essentials – result, ability, and motive. Aiming at these points, we provide premium Classified Courses, which are well suited to guiding students at all levels. Complementing the courses, our productive Tutoring Practice helps students establish the abilities of time-management and task-management. Adding value to the learning process, our diverse Enlightenment Projects comprise motivational activities that lead students to the charm of knowledge and the fun of research. Rooted in test preparation, Posh goes beyond test preparation. Our obligation is to make students’ work a rewarding effort in scores, competence and incentives.


We build up programs on the trinity of performance, competence and impetus. These programs consist of courses, tutorials and enlightening activities, covering the tests of IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, AP and A-level, as well as special English courses for youngsters. Based in the center of Hangzhou, we also provide assistance for students in neighboring areas, and in countries such as the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. We are helping students realize excellence and fulfill aspirations by building novel learning strategies into their philosophy.

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